Rising Default Rates: Timeshare Companies and Exit Companies Blame Each Other!

A very interesting article has been published in Florida Trend in October, about the number of timeshare owners defaulting on their mortgages, this has risen during the second quarter of this year. The industry blames “disreputable third-party exit companies” in the secondary market aggressively solicit unhappy or remorseful owners and persuade them to stop making mortgage…

Diamond Resorts: A Consumers Tale

CLA International would like to thank Inside Timeshare and Irene Parker for allowing us to publish this article in full from their website, published on Friday 16 March. Once again welcome to Friday’s Letter from America, this week Irene Parker interviews yet another military veteran family about their experience with Diamond. Joshua and Nichole Parker are just another couple in a…

Timeshare Sales in the Spotlight

This article was first published on Inside Timeshare on Tuesday 27 February, once again Irene Parker highlights the sales tactics by one sales agent, which are resulting in complaints from the elderly and in many cases military veterens. For some of these victims the consequences could be devastating. THE FBI FOCUSES ON SCAMS TARGETING THE ELDERLY WHY…

Selling Points is a Scam Say National Consumer Commission

Some time ago the following information was published regarding the South African companies Flexi Club, Club Leisure Group and other associated companies regarding their points system. The National Consumer Commission has called the point system a “Scam”, and declared that these companies have engaged in “unconscionable conduct” under the Consumer Protection Act. The commission has now…

Lawsuit Filed Against Diamond Resorts

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Diamond Resorts This action alleges Defendant’s sold unregistered securities in violation of the Securities Act of 1933 that requires that any securities sold in the United States be registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission Factual Allegations of False Representations (i) DRI points appreciate in value (ii) DRI…